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SOK is interested in evolutionary processes within and across species with foci on species of conservation concern and commercial interest, as well as microbial pathogens. Lately he has become interested in microbial correlates of ecosystem services related to infectious disease vectors using metagenomics. [Google Scholar | PubMed]


PhD (2008) Columbia University, Ecol & Evol Biol
MPhil/MA (2005/2003) Columbia University
Grad Certif (2004) Columbia University, Environ Policy
Maîtrise/Licence (2000) Université Paris-Sud XI, Org Biol
DEUG/Diploma (1998) Université Montpellier II, Biol & Nat Sci

Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
SUNY Downstate Medical Center
School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics

​since 2016


Assistant Professor
Fordham University
Department of Biological Sciences


Term Assistant Professor

Barnard College, Columbia University
Department of Biology


Adjunct Assistant Professor
Columbia University
Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Environmental Biology


American Museum of Natural History
Richard Gilder Graduate School

​2009 & 2011

Postdoctoral Fellow
American Museum of Natural History
Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics

Phylogenomics, Molecular Evolution, Conservation Genetics

PI: Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis





Research Associate 
American Museum of Natural History
Division of Invertebrate Zoology, and
Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics 

​since 2013


Adjunct Researcher
New York Botanical Garden
International Plant Science Center

since 2013

Visiting Scholar
New York University
Center for Genomics & Systems Biology

since 2009

International Fellow
Universitat de Barcelona
Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio)
since 2010


+1 718-270-6741


450 Clarkson Ave, MSC43A

SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

School of Public Health

Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098, USA

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