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courses taught

@SUNY Downstate

EPID 5202 "Infectious Disease Epidemiology"  &  EPID 7300 "Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases"

These are courses in the MPH and DrPH graduate programs covering the epidemiologic methods applied to investigating infectious disease distribution and etiology, and reviews the infectious diseases of major public health significance. By the end, students should have a thorough understanding of the both the practice of infectious disease epidemiology and the current and emerging global burden of infectious disease.

@ Fordham 2013-2016

BISC 1002 "Ecology: A Human Approach"

This course introduced the theories, knowledge base, and methods that science uses to understand how the environment works. Our goal is to gain a basic understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological processes of the natural world, in order to develop critical thinking about the effects humans have on the environment, and how human activities affect the human and other species. A companion lab course is offered and required for everyone taking this course. Grades are based on exams, position papers, participation, and the lab component. This course is available to non-science majors only.


BISC 8710 "Seminar in Genetics"

This course introduced the theories, knowledge base, and methods that science uses to understand how genes and organisms work from a genetic and genomic perspective using computational tools. The class will be composed of a presentation of the theory behind the structure, function and evolution of genes and genomes, followed by a display of pertinent databases, software programs, and web servers, and computer exercises. Students will write a proposal for their project, a final paper in the form of a manuscript, and give a presentation of their findings on the last day of the semester. The seconds part of the semester relies heavily on 1:1 instruction.

BISC 2561 "Ecology"

This course examined the principles, practice and application of the science of ecology. Topics include adaptation and evolution, ecological genetics, population dynamics, species interactions, nutrient cycling, conservation ecology and the ecological impacts of climate change.

@ Columbia/Barnard

BIOL BC 1502 "Introduction to Cell & Molecular Biology" – Spring 2012

BIOL BC 2801 "Laboratory in Genetics" – Fall 2011, Spring 2012

BIOL BC 3308 "Genomics & Bioinformatics" – Fall 2011

BIOL BC 2278 "Evolution" – Spring 2012

​EEB G4138 "Molecular Ecology" – Fall 2010

@ American Museum of Natural History

"Molecular Evolution with Computers" – Spring 2009 & 2011




+1 718-270-6741


450 Clarkson Ave, MSC43A

SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

School of Public Health

Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098, USA

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